Tag Archives: news of the world

News of the World: Irelands Money Expert on ‘buying houses’

Irrespective of what you may read or hear, there are property transactions occurring. According to the CSO the price drops are about 40% from peak. The amount of mortgage lending may is down 90%, if you are a Rothschild at heart then the adage ‘when there is blood on the streets, buy land’ is ringing in your ears.

Advisors.ie in News of the World on home energy and heating

When it comes to avoiding petrol price hikes, many of us can cycle, take the bus or walk instead of driving. It’s the other big energy uses in most households — heating and light — that aren’t always so easy to cut back on. Heat loss occurs through ceilings, walls, windows and because of inefficient heating systems. Ceilings account for the biggest waste at about 40 per cent, while walls are about 35pc.

News of the World: Money expert on Debt

IRELAND is in payback mode at the moment. As a country we’re experiencing “deleveraging”, which means that many people are using most of their money to pay back excessive borrowing. However, that practice only puts cash into the banking system and not the real economy.

News of the World – Advisors.ie writing on Mortgages

We were covering mortgages in this weeks Irish edition of News of the World, looking at the affects of changes in taxation and other aspects that could make the cost of a house rise even though the price may fall.

News of the World: Life Assurance

We did a piece about life assurance for the Irish News of the World on the 30th of January.

The main thrust of the piece was to impress upon readers that life assurance is either not important, or very important indeed depending on your circumstances and family life. The other question is about how much you need – for that we advise using a professional who can work this out for you, we also disclosed how to get the ‘under the table’ prices by using a broker.

Advisors.ie team up with News of the World

We are delighted to announce that we will be teaming up with the Irish News of the World in their money advice section ‘Irelands Money Saving Expert’, this is a welcome opportunity to share our financial know how with upwards of 130,000 readers across the nation. We hope you enjoy our pieces and find the information useful, if you have a personal finance query then be sure to email it to us and we can use it in the column (anonymity assured).