Category Archives: Deposit Interest Retention Tax

Some thoughts on budget 2013 and why it’s so sneaky

The expression ‘at least Dick Turpin wore a mask’ is used to describe the times somebody robs you blind right to your face. This week I’m sure almost every person in the country could identify with that statement as they watched the twin forces of Michael Noonan and Brendan Howlin unleash cuts that hurt just about everybody, at least they didn’t discriminate. A few weeks ago I wrote about the way that politicians will hammer regular people always and without fail, a few of you wrote back saying it didn’t have to be like that, and my response was (and is) that it remains the fastest and easiest road to take, which is why people of every political ideology end up doing it.

Accountancy services in Dublin 2, a list of what we help our clients with. provide B1, CRO reporting, Payroll, P35’s, P30’s, RCT, C45, CT1, Audits, year end accounts, form 11 tax returns and other accountancy and book-keeping or payroll services in Dublin 2.

News of the World: Taxing times, all about the Revenue Commissioners.

The headline this week is from the famous quote that ‘the only sure things in life are death and taxes’. We have looked at death in the past from the perspective of Life Assurance, this week it’s about taxes – and more importantly, what to do if you can’t pay them or if you are not sure about your taxes. The good news is that the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland are a fairly effective bunch and the people there are well briefed and effective (this is no surprise as their duty is to make sure everybody pays up!). Revenue are well aware of the state of the economy, and that business

News of the World: Deposit accounts 18th April 2011

Deposit accounts are one of the safest places you can put your money, the issue with them traditionally has been that they tend to under-perform versus alternatives with some risk (like stocks and bonds). But that doesn’t mean you should only ever opt for risk, a steadily increasing plain vanilla deposit account can make a big difference over time, indeed, it lead Albert Einstein to once say that ‘the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest’.